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Enhancing Programmatic Advertising with Deep Learning: The Value of Deep Learning in Adlook's Demand Side Platform

Mateusz Jędrocha
Chief Product Officer

In the competitive sphere of digital advertising, success hinges on the ability to not only reach but effectively engage targeted audiences with precision and efficiency. Adlook Smart, Adlook’s Demand Side Platform (DSP), redefines programmatic buying through advanced technology and a strategic focus on outcomes, rather than sheer scale. This article explores the unique features of Adlook Smart that set it apart in the adtech ecosystem.

Quality Over Quantity: Precision Bidding

Unlike traditional DSPs, which often prioritize high bid request volume or win rates across the most accessible supply channels, Adlook Smart’s bidding strategy is meticulously designed to prioritize the quality and relevance of each impression. This outcome-centric approach ensures enhanced campaign effectiveness, driving superior engagement and conversion rates by intelligently matching ads with the most responsive audiences. Our commitment to results over volume means that every campaign dollar is optimized for maximum impact.

Customization Through Deep Learning

At Adlook Smart, customization is not an option – it's integral to our operations. Each line item on our platform benefits from a bespoke algorithm, which dynamically refines itself based on real-time performance data. This enables the platform to automatically adjust bidding strategies — such as deprioritizing underperforming creatives, or intensifying focus on high-engagement audience segments — without manual intervention. Such deep customization ensures that campaign performance continuously evolves and improves, leveraging learning at every step.

Dynamic Adaptability and Real-Time Optimization

Our DSP automates the adjustment of bidding variables based on nuanced, observed behaviors and emerging data patterns. This dynamic adaptability refines the valuation of each impression, ensuring that the bid value aligns more closely with the actual value delivered. Adlook Smart’s intelligent algorithms recalibrate strategies based on real-time data, significantly tightening the gap between estimated and actual impression value, thereby maximizing ad spend efficacy.

Integrating External Signals for Enhanced Performance

As part of the customization and optimization process, additional signals are taken into consideration. Continuous development, built into our platform by design, ingests signals from leading attention and sustainability partners, as well as from Brand Lift studies. This holistic approach ensures that our campaigns are not only effective, but also aligned with broader industry trends and client-specific goals.

In-House Technology for Greater Efficiency

Adlook Smart operates as a fully integrated buying platform, developing all core technologies in-house, while strategically using external providers to enhance, rather than define, our capabilities. This approach not only curtails dependency on third-party technologies, but also reduces vendor fees, increasing operational efficiency and enhancing the proportion of working media by 20%, bringing that proportion up to 50%. By controlling our technology stack, we ensure that our platform is both agile and responsive to market dynamics.

For example, let’s assume a typical display campaign, where the average media CPM is $2. Adding $1.50 for data fees (audience targeting), $0.15 for a brand safety vendor, and $0.25 for an ad server with DCO functionality brings the total CPM to $4.90. This means actual working media is less than 40% of the budget.  Adlook Smart’s efficient one-top shop technology stack increases this proportion significantly.

Supply Path Optimization Through Deep Learning

Utilizing cutting-edge deep learning, Adlook Smart enhances supply path optimization, ensuring that only the most effective channels are engaged. Our platform employs frameworks like ads.txt, sellers.json, and schain objects to meticulously vet the origins of inventory and filter out indirect supply sources. The Adlook Shape program further allows advertisers to tailor supply strategies, optimizing performance based on campaign-specific goals and data insights.

Outcomes-Oriented Bidding Strategy

Adlook Smart enhances exposure among the most responsive audiences by implementing an outcome-oriented bidding strategy. This strategic approach focuses on securing ad placements that are not just about winning bids, but about winning the right bids that lead to tangible campaign success. By prioritizing engagements that convert, Adlook Smart ensures media spend is not merely a cost, but an investment in high-return outcomes. This unique methodology increases the win rate for core audience segments, providing an invaluable edge in a crowded digital marketplace.

Commitment to Unbiased, Agnostic Bidding

One of Adlook Smart’s key differentiators is our commitment to unbiased, agnostic bidding. Unlike many DSPs, which may have vested interests in specific supply channels due to ownership of or partnerships with supply-side platforms, Adlook Smart operates with complete impartiality. We channel media spend to the most effective placements based solely on performance data, ensuring that every dollar spent is an investment toward achieving brand goals. This agnostic approach fosters trust and transparency with our clients, reinforcing our focus on their advertising success.

Transforming Programmatic Buying with Adlook Smart

Adlook Smart isn’t just another tool in the digital advertising arsenal — it's a platform designed to transform how programmatic buying is conducted. By integrating advanced algorithms, outcome-focused strategies, and deep learning into every aspect of our operations, we provide advertisers with the capability to not only meet but exceed their marketing objectives across the funnel. In an industry driven by innovation, Adlook Smart stands out by continually advancing the efficiency and effectiveness of programmatic buying, ensuring our clients lead in their respective markets.

Proven Success Stories

Adlook Smart’s effectiveness is reflected in numerous success stories across various industries. Please visit to learn more about how our clients are benefiting from Deep Learning-based bidder.

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